hadoop dfsadmin -safemode leave
PHP Fatal error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found
yum install php-xml
from "第一次"
from "第一次"
20121221 世界末日
2012年預言或2012年現象(2012 phenomenon)是一個關於末世論的預言、信仰或傳說、謠言,宣稱美洲的瑪雅文明中的瑪雅曆長達5,126年週期的結束,預言了地球、世界和人類社會在2012年12月21日之時前後數天之內將會發生全球性的災難性變化。此說法與太陽風暴、尼比魯碰撞、地球磁極反轉、網路機器人工程的預言等謠言結合,而成為2012年「世界末日說/人類滅亡說/人類重生說」,但至今目前為止,此說為社會各界認定是為一門偽科學,也是民間科學愛好者的次文化之一。[1]
Too many active ES requests, blocking now. {:inflight_requests=>50, :max_inflight_requests=>50, :level=>:info, :file=>"/opt/logstash/lib/logstash-1.1.5-monolithic.jar!/logstash/outputs/elasticsearch.rb", :line=>"150", :method=>"receive"}
BroadcastShardOperationFailedException[ No active shard(s)]
Puppet class inheritance confusion - Server Fault
The difference between import and include statemens is:
import works with files, and does not execute classes
include executes classes
files must be imported before the classes can be included
Note: there is a very strong exception to the last rule: Puppet module lookup. include statement does automatic imports in many situations. Here are some of them:
include foo tries to import the file module_dir/foo/manifests/init.pp
include foo::bar imports module_dir/foo/manifests/bar.pp
There are other ways to use inheritance. In Puppet 0.23.1 and higher, it’s possible to add values to resource parameters using the ‘+>’ (‘plusignment’) operator:
class apache {
service { 'apache': require => Package['httpd'] }
class apache-ssl inherits apache {
# host certificate is required for SSL to function
Service['apache'] { require +> File['apache.pem'] }
puppet note "::"
The double colon that divides the sections of a class’s name is called the namespace separator.
Module Fundamentals — Documentation — Puppet Labs
That is to say, if a module named test_module is installed in the central server’s /etc/puppet/modules directory,
the following puppet: URI…
All puppet file server URIs are structured as follows:
puppet://{server hostname (optional)}/{mount point}/{remainder of path}
The Puppet File Server — Documentation — Puppet Labs