import ijson
import os, sys
D = {}
plen = len('results.item.')
for prefix, the_type, value in ijson.parse(open('./b50.json')) :
#print prefix, the_type, value
if prefix == 'results.item' and the_type == 'start_map' :
D = {}
if prefix == 'results.item' and the_type == 'end_map' :
for k,v in D.items():
print k,v
print '-----'
if 'results.item.' in prefix:
D[prefix]= value
Simon 最有名的 TED 演講,也就是黃金圈圈(Golden Circle)的理論 。
Why How What
Why 理念跟目標
How 執行的方法跟過程
What 最終呈現的產品與領導風格
The Golden Circle
Every person on the planet knows What they do. This is your job title, function, the products you sell or services you offer.
Most people know How they do it. These are the things they do that make them special or set them apart from their peers.
Very few people know WHY they do what they do. The Why is not about making money - that’s a result. The Why is a purpose, cause or belief. Your Why is the very reason you exist.