2017年5月18日 星期四

[elasticsearch] install elasitcsearch license

x-pack 裝好後預設的 license 是30天,
可以使用 api 查看 license 。
curl -XGET localhost:9200/_xpack/license
{"license": {"status": "active","uid": "300e8b22-5a2a-4def-8e76-3b494eb3638b","type": "trial","issue_date": "2017-05-05T09:35:02.607Z","issue_date_in_millis": 1493976902607,"expiry_date": "2017-06-04T09:35:02.607Z","expiry_date_in_millis": 1496568902607,"max_nodes": 1000,"issued_to": "pg_search","issuer": "elasticsearch","start_date_in_millis": -1}}

想要使用 license 可以到下面網站註冊,目前的free basic plan 有提供基本的功能。
Register | Elastic https://register.elastic.co/
license 的時間是一年。

Your Basic license will expire on May 19, 2018.

申請好,會寄送link 到信箱中,下載後。
使用下面api 去安裝 license
curl -XPUT -u elastic 'http://localhost:9200/_xpack/license' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @pc-liao--v5.json

Enter host password for user 'elastic':
{"acknowledged":false,"license_status":"valid","acknowledge":{"message":"This license update requires acknowledgement. To acknowledge the license, please read the following messages and update the license again, this time with the \"acknowledge=true\" parameter:","watcher":["Watcher will be disabled"],"security":["The following X-Pack security functionality will be disabled: authentication, authorization, ip filtering, and auditing. Please restart your node after applying the license.","Field and document level access control will be disabled.","Custom realms will be ignored."],"monitoring":["Multi-cluster support is disabled for clusters with [BASIC] license. If you are\nrunning multiple clusters, users won't be able to access the clusters with\n[BASIC] licenses from within a single X-Pack Kibana instance. You will have to deploy a\nseparate and dedicated X-pack Kibana instance for each [BASIC] cluster you wish to monitor.","Automatic index cleanup is locked to 7 days for clusters with [BASIC] license."],"graph":["Graph will be disabled"]}}


curl -XPUT -u elastic 'http://localhost:9200/_xpack/license?acknowledge=true' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @pc-liao--v5.json

