2012年1月28日 星期六

dotcloud ssh登入


DotCloud Documentation

Generic SSH (scp, rsync...)

If you are used to scp or rsync, you can also setup a SSH configuration file to use direct SSH connection to your service. Here is how.

  1. Retrieve the SSH parameters (user, host, and port) of your service, using dotcloud info myapp.myservice.

  2. Append the following section to your ~/.ssh/config file (create this file if it does not exist), replacing HOST, PORT and USER with the values shown by dotcloud info:

    Host myapp.myservice
    HostName HOST
    Port PORT
    User USER
    IdentityFile ~/.dotcloud/dotcloud.key

  3. You can now do things like:

    • ssh myapp.myservice

    • scp somefile myapp.myservice:

    • rsync -av somedirectory/ myapp.myservice:remotedirectory/

