2015年10月29日 星期四

[elasticsearch] Elasticsearch 2.0.0 GA is Ready for Provisioning

眾所期待的 Elasticsearch 2.0 終於GA了

what’s new?
  • Pipeline aggregations - an entirely new class of analytic functions that push more computation into Elasticsearch, making advanced applications simpler and easier to create.
  • Query/Filter merging - query execution can now be automatically optimized to run in the most efficient order possible.
  • Configurable store compression - a new high-compression option added to each index, which can reduce storage size by up to 30%.
  • Performance and resilience - a multitude of smaller changes in Elasticsearch that add up to a more stable, reliable, easy-to-configure system.
  • And much, much more!

Marvel 2.0.0 free to use in production

Marvel is now free to use in production for all Elasticsearch users. A license is required, but is available to all users free of charge. If you require multi-cluster monitoring support, that is a commercial feature.

Migration Plugin

from elasticsearch 1.x to 2.0

Elasticsearch 2.0.0 GA released | Elastic
Elasticsearch 2.0 Overview & Demo - YouTube

