2014年4月12日 星期六

[mac] homebrew install autopoint

$ sh autogen.sh
Running autopoint...
autogen.sh: line 9: autopoint: command not found
Running aclocal...
autogen.sh: line 10: aclocal: command not found

#brew install gettext

Installs the libraries and the utilities:
autopoint envsubst gettext gettext.sh gettextize msgattrib msgcat msgcmp msgcomm msgconv msgen msgexec msgfilter msgfmt msggrep msginit msgmerge msgunfmt msguniq ngettext recode-sr-latin xgettext

But doesn’t add to your path! You need to modify the env. variable $PATH:
vi ~/.bash_profile
And add to the end or modify previous declarations:
export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/opt/gettext/bin

Mac Os X: Command line — arielvb's notes 1.0 documentation

$ brew install automake

Running intltoolize...
autogen.sh: line 13: intltoolize: command not found

$ brew install intltool

